Wednesday, 17th May

11:00 - 12:30
Twist Bioscience: Using Python in Synthetic DNA Manufacturing | Sponsor tutorials
Quick Introduction about how Twist Bioscience is enabling world changing innovation like enabling DNA computing and turning sugar into vaccines. Rust Bindings with Python We will demonstrate how we combine the best of Rust and Python by creating a Rust library with Python bindings. Hardware Scripting with Embedded IronPython We’ll demonstrate how we use the flexibility of IronPython runtime to make our hardware scriptable and enable debugging within the same process. This will require a Windows machine or VM image with visual studio installed (free community install). Polymorphic Marshmallowed JSON with SQLAlchemy This exercise will guide you through creating polymorphic objects that are transparently serialized in and out of Postgres JSON fields. We will also work on creating graph objects with mutability tracking