Creating And Consuming Modern Web Services with Twisted | Tutorials
This tutorial will show students how to write applications and services which efficiently publish and consume services and APIs. To do so, we will combine 4 Python-based technologies: Jupyter is a real-time development environment. Twisted is a powerful platform for network programming that supports many protocols, including HTTP. Klein is a Twisted-based web application framework. Treq is a Requests-style HTTP client based on Twisted. By combining all of these we will guide students through interactively prototyping a production quality web application that publishes both service APIs and web resources such as HTML, and that can efficiently consume many back-end services such as 3rd-party APIs.
Moshe Zadka
Moshe has been involved with Python since 1998, when he helped obsolete math-related modules. Since then, he made some contributions that were not just deleting code to core Python, and has been a contributor on the Twisted project since its inception.
Michele Pratusevich
I graduated from MIT with my BS in computer science in 2013 followed by an MEng in 2015. I currently work at Amazon on large-scale computer vision problems and systems, with Python and C++ being the languages of choice. I like hiking, climbing, and fun programming problems.
Room 5
Thursday, 18th May, 09:00 - 12:20