The Fastest FizzBuzz in the West: Make Your Own Language with RPLY and RPython | Talks
In this talk, you'll learn how I built DIVSPL (Dustin Ingram's Very Special Programming Language), a tongue-in-cheek domain-specific language, which is particularly good for implementing FizzBuzz -- as quickly as possible. We'll build DIVSPL with RPLY, an implementation of David Beazley's PLY (but with a 'cooler' API) and make it compatible with RPython, a restricted subset of the Python programming language. Along the way, you'll learn about lexers, parsers, and grammars, and in the end, you'll know how to build your own language.
Dustin Ingram
Dustin Ingram is an engineer at PromptWorks, a Philadelphia-based software development company. He's also a member of the Python Packaging Authority and a maintainer of Warehouse, the next-generation Python Package Index (PyPI).
Portland Ballroom 254–255
Saturday, 20th May, 14:35 - 15:05