The Glory of pdb's set_trace | Talks
Everyone needs to debug code, and it can take up a non-trivial portion of our time to wait for code to complete execution and write print messages to stdout. There’s one function in particular in the python debugger (pdb) library that can give you a much clearer understanding of what’s going on in your code, much more quickly; pdb.set_ trace(). In this talk, we’ll identify the most useful things you can do when you use set trace, that can make debugging exponentially more efficient and enjoyable.
Nicole Zuckerman
Nicole Zuckerman is a software engineer at Clover Health, where she writes the endpoints and data pipelines to help surface better health care for members. She's also deeply invested in effectively on-boarding entry-level engineers, and improving diversity and inclusion in tech. In her free time, Nicole is an avid dancer and teacher, sci-fi book fanatic, soul and jazz aficionado, and cheese lover. She holds an MA in English Literature and Women's Studies from the University of Liverpool.
Oregon Ballroom 201-202
Friday, 19th May, 16:30 - 17:00