Type uWSGI; press enter; what happens? | Talks
You're a pretty knowledgeable Python web application developer, but how does that web application get served to the world? For many of us, uWSGI is the magic that makes our application available, and in this talk we'll look at how uWSGI works with the OS and the networking stack to make the magic happen.
Asheesh Laroia
By day, Asheesh Laroia is a member of the technical staff at Sandstorm in Palo Alto. By night, he is volunteer President at OpenHatch, helping create workshops that teach students how to get involved in open source. His technical background touches machine learning, security, and linguistics. He helped start the Boston Python Workshop for women and their friends, has been teaching Python to newcomers since 2004, including at Noisebridge and the EFF, and has advised user groups on how to make their events more newcomer-friendly and gender-diverse.
Philip James
Philip James is a Software Engineer at Stripe, a Civic Technologist and a Director for the City of Alameda Democratic Club and the East Bay Young Democrats. In his free time he builds ContactOtter, a smart address book you can share.
Oregon Ballroom 203-204
Friday, 19th May, 11:30 - 12:00