When the abyss gazes back: staring down Python's surprising internals | Talks
Python's fantastic until it isn't. This talk dives into some of the surprising implementation details of CPython, then explains exactly how they could be discovered from first principles. Attendees will leave with some dangerous Python trivia, and the tools they'll need to uncovery their own trivia when surprises strike.
David Wolever
David is a Pythonista from Toronto, Canada. He's co-founder of both PyCon Canada – Canada's regional Python conference – and Akindi.com – a small company that's making multiple-choice bubble sheet tests a little bit less terrible. He's also the author of nose-parameterized, a parameterized testing for every Python testrunner, and pprint++, a Python pretty-printer that's actually pretty. Say hi on Twitter: @wolever!
Portland Ballroom 251 & 258
Saturday, 20th May, 11:30 - 12:00