Deploy and scale containers with Docker native, open source orchestration | Tutorials
Deploy your own cluster! Use it to 'build,ship,and run ' containerized applications! Learn how to implement logging, metrics, stateful services, and more! Learn the True Way of DevOps! Alright, we can't promise anything about the True Way of DevOps, but everything else will definitely be in this tutorial. We will run a demo app featuring Python components and see some best practices to 'Dockerize ' Python code and Flask in particular; but the tutorial also includes other languages and frameworks. Come with your laptop! You don't need to install anything before the workshop, as long as you have a web browser and a SSH client. Each student will have their own private cluster during the tutorial, to get immediately applicable first-hand experience.
Jerome Petazzoni
Jerome is a senior engineer at Docker, where he helps others to containerize all the things. In another life he built and operated Xen clouds when EC2 was just the name of a plane, developed a GIS to deploy fiber interconnects through the French subway, managed commando deployments of large-scale video streaming systems in bandwidth-constrained environments such as conference centers, operated and scaled the dotCloud PAAS, and various other feats of technical wizardry. When annoyed, he threatens to replace things with a very small shell script.
AJ Bowen
As a Solutions Engineer at Convox, AJ Bowen is on a mission to containerize all the things and help others to do the same. Her other experience includes developer advocacy at as well as heavy involvement in the Occupy movement in Kansas City, where she discovered the delightful and complicated world of horizontal organization in groups of passionate people with wildly diverse political perspectives, and humanitarian work in Haiti. AJ doesn’t like being told what to do—or telling others what to do—and is on a constant mission to eliminate unnecessary hierarchy.
Room 4
Thursday, 18th May, 09:00 - 12:20