IoT Lab with Micropython and Friends | Tutorials
Come learn about the Internet of Things and Micropython in this hands-on hardware tutorial, no soldering or hardware experience required! We will be building a wifi-enabled temperature sensor as a vehicle for learning IoT concepts including data capture, building security into data transmission, and messaging between IoT clients and servers. Attendees will have an opportunity to take their sensors out into the conference venue to take measurements, reconvening to discuss analysis and visualization of IoT data. All the hardware needed will be provided, and attendees will be able to program the devices via a locally-hosted web interface. This tutorial will be a great introduction for folks interested in Internet of Things, Micropython, or hardware hacking. You do not need prior experience in any of these topics to attend. We will be using the ESP8266 micro controller and the MQTT protocol for messaging. Attendees should download the mosquitto MQTT broker in addition to collateral that will be sent out to attendees ahead of the tutorial. We will be using the WebREPL interface for programming the ESP8266. If you are wondering what the heck all of this means do not despair! These topics will be covered in the tutorial.
Sev Leonard
Sev likes crisp fall days, ice cream, and aggregating data. He is a Python developer & sciencer of data living in Portland, OR who enjoys writing and teaching technical topics
Room 6
Thursday, 18th May, 13:20 - 16:40