Decorators, unwrapped: How do they work? | Talks
Decorators are a syntactically-pleasing way of modifying the behavior of functions in Python. However, they can be highly opaque to Python beginners. It took me a while to learn how to write one, and even after I was confident writing my own decorators, felt like they were magical. The goal of this talk is to demystify decorators by methodically stepping through how and why they work. Along the way we'll touch on closures, scopes, and how Python is compiled.
Katie Silverio
Software engineer at Venmo. Recurse Center Fall 2013. Ask me about text adventures, Markov chains, bytecode, dead code, comics, astrophysics, and Harry Potter.
Oregon Ballroom 201-202
Saturday, 20th May, 14:35 - 15:05