Grok the GIL: Write Fast And Thread-Safe Python | Talks
I wrote Python for years while holding mistaken notions about the Global Interpreter Lock, and I've met others in the same boat. The GIL's effect is simply this: only one thread can execute Python code at a time, while N other threads sleep or await network I/O. Let's read CPython interpreter source and try some examples to grok the GIL, and learn to write fast and thread-safe Python.
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
Staff Engineer at MongoDB in New York City specializing in C, Python, and async. Lead developer of the MongoDB C Driver libraries libbson and libmongoc. Author of Motor, an async MongoDB driver for Tornado and asyncio. Contributor to Python, PyMongo, MongoDB, Tornado, and asyncio. Co-author with Guido van Rossum of “A Web Crawler With asyncio Coroutines”, a chapter in the “500 Lines or Less” book in the Architecture of Open Source Applications series.Blogs at and for the PSF at
Oregon Ballroom 201-202
Friday, 19th May, 12:10 - 12:55