The tutorial session | Tutorials
Container Orchestration is the new hot topic in design of scalable system architecture. In this tutorial we look at the main choices for container orchestrators: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos. We will look at the use of the respective Python APIs for interacting with thoses engines.This 3-hr session will provide hands-on use of those orchestrators with real use-cases.
Mike Bright
Solution Architect at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise working in the EMEA OpenNFV lab (Cloud Computing for Telecom), based in Grenoble France.Passionate about Containers, Orchestration and Programming Languages.Runs the Grenoble Python User Group.Like to travel, danse (Argentinian Tango, Salsa, Rock)
Haïkel Guémar Developer & Ambassador. Senior Software Engineer in a small HPC/SaaS Startup. Lyon Coding Dojo founder & leader.
Mario Loriedo
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, developer and container enthusiast
Room 5
Wednesday, 17th May, 13:20 - 16:40