Know thy self: Methods and method binding | Talks
Methods are like functions, but different. How? Why? And what's will having to type 'self ' all the time? We'll explore partial application of functions and review why it might be nice to start using classes. Then to clarify how method objects work we'll examine the result of accessing the method attributes of an object without calling them. Understanding the behavior we uncover here will require more attribute lookup experiments, which will lead us discover the power of descriptors. Along the way we'll peek in at other languages' approaches to method binding, hopefully coming to appreciate the way Python does things enough to type 'self' a few thousand more times.
Thomas Ballinger
Tom is a Python enthusiast employed by Dropbox. Previously he worked as a facilitator at the Recurse Center in NYC where he explored dark corners of Python with participants and helped bring more BitTorrent clients into the world.
Oregon Ballroom 201–202
Saturday, 20th May, 13:55 - 14:25