Lights, camera, action! Scraping a great dataset to predict Oscar winners | Talks
Using Jupyter notebooks and scikit-learn, you’ll predict whether a movie is likely to win an Oscar or be a box office hit. Together, we’ll step through the creation of an effective dataset: asking a question your data can answer, writing a web scraper, and answering those questions using nothing but Python libraries and data from the Internet.
Deborah Hanus
Deborah Hanus graduated MIT with a Masters in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. As a Fulbright Scholar in Cambodia, she learned about how education translates into job creation in technology. After working as an early engineer at a software company, she decided to take a hiatus to work on exciting data-related projects as a machine learning researcher at Harvard University.
Portland Ballroom 252-253
Saturday, 20th May, 15:15 - 15:45