Python from Space: Analyzing Open Satellite Imagery Using the Python Ecosystem | Talks
Earth imaging satellites, just like our computers, are shrinking and becoming more ubiquitous than ever before. It is now possible to obtain open satellite data on a daily if not weekly basis and for this data to be put to work; helping us better understand our planet and quickly respond to disaster situations. In this talk we will work through a jupyter notebook that covers the satellite data ecosystem and the python tools that can be used to sift through and analyze that data. Topics include python tools for using Open Street Maps data, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL), and OpenCV and NumPy for image processing. This talk is intended for novice and intermediate python developers who are interested in using data science and satellite imagery for social good and fundamental scientific research.
Katherine Scott
Katherine Scott is a senior software engineer for Planet where she works on the data pipeline team making sense of millions of satellite images. Katherine was the lead developer of the SimpleCV computer vision library and co-author of the SimpleCV O'Reilly Book . In her spare time she hacks together robots and teaches kids about robotics and programming.
Oregon Ballroom 201–202
Friday, 19th May, 15:15 - 14:00