The Nextcloud community will get together at the TU Berlin from August 22 to 29 for a week of talks and coding around the next generation private cloud technology. Talks will be on Saturday and Sunday, Friday we have a special Focus Friday on large scale and enterprise deployments.

The conference is focused on making Nextcloud better through discussions, coding, packaging, designing, translating and more, all with the participation of our amazing community. If you want to get involved and can't wait for the conference, see our contribution pages on how to get started with being a Nextcloud contributor!

Learn more about the conference, like the program and what kind of sessions to expect on the conference information page: In the meantime, feel free to book the date in your calendars and register here!

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Organized by Nextcloud

<p>Nextcloud gives people and organisations a secure and private way to control their data and communication.</p>


Straße des 17. Juni 136, Berlin, Germany