Monday, 10th Apr
First, Do No Harm![]()
Annyce Davis
45 Minutes session
- Annyce Davis
- 45 Minutes session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 10:15 - 11:00
- Keynote
Understanding Your User: Deep Dive into Firebase Analytics![]()
Nitya Narasimhan
1 hour session
- Nitya Narasimhan
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 11:00 - 12:00
- General
Android Auto - Drive your car, use your phone and don't hurt anybody![]()
Phil Shadlyn
1 hour session
- Phil Shadlyn
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Monday, 10th Apr, 11:00 - 12:00
- General
Android Studio is Wicked Pissah![]()
Mark Scheel
1 hour session
- Mark Scheel
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 13:30 - 14:30
- General
Impress your user's inner child!![]()
Eliza Camberogiannis
1 hour session
- Eliza Camberogiannis
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Monday, 10th Apr, 13:30 - 14:30
- General
Bonjour, Monde: Optimizing Localization![]()
Phil Corriveau
1 hour session
- Phil Corriveau
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
The Web: Don't call this a comeback![]()
Mike Hartington
1 hour session
- Mike Hartington
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Monday, 10th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
Kotlin: Uncovered![]()
Victoria Gonda
1 hour session
- Victoria Gonda
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 15:30 - 16:30
- General
App Shortcuts in Android 7.1![]()
Caren Chang
1 hour session
- Caren Chang
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Monday, 10th Apr, 15:30 - 16:30
- General
Becoming a Better Battery Citizen![]()
Eric Brynsvold
1 hour session
- Eric Brynsvold
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 16:30 - 17:30
- General
Building a Multi-User Todo App with React Native, Swagger, and Couchbase Mobile![]()
Hod Greeley
1 hour session
- Hod Greeley
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Monday, 10th Apr, 16:30 - 17:30
- General
Why Android Will Get the Next Billion People Onlinee![]()
Nathan Eagle
1 hour session
- Nathan Eagle
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Monday, 10th Apr, 17:30 - 18:30
- Keynote
Tuesday, 11th Apr
How to be an Android Expert![]()
Chiu-Ki Chan
1 hour session
- Chiu-Ki Chan
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 09:00 - 09:30
- Keynote
Stability, Analytics and Deployment with Fabric and fastlane![]()
Todd Burner
30 mins session
- Todd Burner
- 30 mins session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 10:15 - 10:45
- General
Through the looking-glass eyes of an Android![]()
Adrián Catalan
1 hour session
- Adrián Catalan
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 10:15 - 11:15
- General
Practical RxJava with an Air Cannon![]()
Nicholas DiPatri
1 hour session
- Nicholas DiPatri
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 10:15 - 11:15
- General
What's new in Firebase![]()
Doug Stevenson
30 mins session
- Doug Stevenson
- 30 mins session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 10:45 - 11:15
- General
Cool ConstraintLayout![]()
Huyen Tue Dao
45 Minutes session
- Huyen Tue Dao
- 45 Minutes session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 11:15 - 12:00
- General
'It’s an Inside Job' - Building Debug Feature![]()
Sam Edwards
45 Minutes session
- Sam Edwards
- 45 Minutes session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 11:15 - 12:00
- General
Moving Mountains: The Art of Changing Large Software Systems in Place![]()
Jason Sendros-Keshka
45 Minutes session
- Jason Sendros-Keshka
- 45 Minutes session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 11:15 - 12:00
- General
Codelab: Build it with Firebase![]()
Doug Stevenson + TAs
1 hour session
- Doug Stevenson + TAs
- 1 hour session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 12:30 - 13:30
- General
Just Android Things…![]()
Dave Smith
1 hour session
- Dave Smith
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 13:30 - 14:30
- General
Getting Clean, Keeping Lean![]()
Joe Birch
1 hour session
- Joe Birch
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 13:30 - 14:30
- General
`Rxify`— a simple spell for complex RxJava operators![]()
Garima Jain
1 hour session
- Garima Jain
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
Roasting Google APIs on a Firebase to create Uberritos![]()
Ishan Khanna
1 hour session
- Ishan Khanna
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
How TripAdvisor uses Android CI with cloud testing and automated Google Play deployment![]()
Paul Reilly
1 hour session
- Paul Reilly
- 1 hour session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
How TripAdvisor uses Android CI with cloud testing and automated Google Play deployment![]()
Paul Reilly
1 hour session
- Paul Reilly
- 1 hour session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 14:30 - 15:30
- General
Don't reset --hard: Strategies for Tackling Large Refactors![]()
Siena Aguayo
1 hour session
- Siena Aguayo
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 15:30 - 16:30
- General
'Real World' not 'Hello World' Android native development![]()
Siamak Ashrafi
1 hour session
- Siamak Ashrafi
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 15:30 - 16:30
- General
Don’t be ashamed of your files anymore![]()
Madis Pink
1 hour session
- Madis Pink
- 1 hour session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 15:30 - 16:30
- General
Creating mobile, sensor-aware, and VR apps with Processing for Android![]()
Andres Colubri
1 hour session
- Andres Colubri
- 1 hour session
Theatre 1
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 16:30 - 17:30
- General
Toothpick: a fresh approach to Dependency Injection on Android![]()
Daniel Molinero Reguera
1 hour session
- Daniel Molinero Reguera
- 1 hour session
Theatre 2
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 16:30 - 17:30
- General
Rapid Integration of Third Party Features and Services Into Your Android App Using Button![]()
Tyler Nappy
1 hour session
- Tyler Nappy
- 1 hour session
Tuesday, 11th Apr, 16:30 - 17:30
- General