Tuesday, 22nd Aug
Android App: The journey of the 1st year in the wild![]()
Andy Scherzinger ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Andy Scherzinger ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
Lightning talk about what has been achieved in the very first year of Nextcloud or the corresponding Android app respectively. I am giving a short overview on the actual app store statistics and how we transformed our development process throughout the first year to account for the growing number of users of the app focusing of quality while keeping development at a high pace.
Announcing ...
Mario Danic ( Nextcloud GmbH)
Lightning talks
- Mario Danic ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Lightning talks
Well, this really is a special talk. This is a talk about a young hacker that always wanted to contribute, but was too afraid. About a young designer who wanted to redo the icon, but felt he wasn't good enough. A talk about a young sysadmin who felt deployment could be easier, but never felt invited. This is a talk about you and me.
Android - current state and outlook![]()
Tobias Kaminsky ( Nextcloud GmbH)
Lightning talks
- Tobias Kaminsky ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Lightning talks
- showing the biggest features of one year developement
- what is coming next?
(all WIP)
Free Software Licensing in a Nutshell - What every developer should know![]()
Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH)
Lightning talks
- Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Lightning talks
Björn Schießle has been developing federated technology for ownCloud and now Nextcloud since 2012. He is a graduated computer scientist and conducted research in the area of cloud robotics before he joined ownCloud and later on Nextcloud. He is active in the Free Software community for more than 20 years. As a long-time Free Software activist he has a deep understanding about the political, legal and social aspects of software freedom.
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 00:00 - 00:00
- Main Track
p≡p ≡ pretty Easy privacy - Privacy by Default.
- sva
- Workshop
DAVdroid / Nextcloud Integration![]()
Ricki Hirner (, Bernhard Stockmann (
Lightning talks
- Ricki Hirner (, Bernhard Stockmann (
- Lightning talks
Discussing the current state and possible improvements of DAVdroid / Nextcloud integration; planned enterprise DAVdroid features
Making communication easier: The Nextcloud Chat![]()
Klaus Herberth ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Klaus Herberth ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
New developments in the Nextcloud Chat app (ojsxc): Interface, server backends, external service authentication.
🎨 Join the Nextcloud design team!![]()
Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
Lightning talks
- Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
- Lightning talks
A quick intro to how we do design at Nextcloud, some great recent improvements by contributors, and how easy it is to get involved!
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Main Track
😃😶🙃🤓 Fostering a diverse & welcoming community![]()
Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
Lightning talks
- Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
- Lightning talks
A diverse community is important for any project to work for a big audience. Free & Open Source projects are usually more male-dominated, but there are a lot of initiatives to improve this. Some of these which we participate or participated in are:
- RailsGirls Summer of Code
- Open Source Ladies meetup in Berlin (formerly Ladies that FOSS)
- Outreachy (back in 2014)
- Encouraging underrepresented groups to apply for a job at Nextcloud and publishing it on job boards such as Women in Linux
- Having beginner-friendly »starter issues« to get involved easily
- … and more! :)
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Main Track
Audio Player: our lessons learned and outlook![]()
Marcel Scherello
Lightning talks
- Marcel Scherello
- Lightning talks
- the history, starting with a private app
- dev challenges
- detailed testing strategy
- future plans
Building a Nextcloud Plugin for Discourse![]()
Kaja Santro (Ruby on Rails Web Developer Rails Girls Summer of Code - Discourse)
Lightning talks
- Kaja Santro (Ruby on Rails Web Developer Rails Girls Summer of Code - Discourse)
- Lightning talks
We are a the team Berlin Diamonds from the Rails Girls Summer of Code, a fellowship program for women who code. Our project this summer was to build plugins for Discourse that offer the admin user different options for a backup provider. We first started out building one for a backup to Google Drive. It got famous even before we officially published it and Jan from Nextcloud approached us on Github and suggested to build one plugin for a backup from Discourse to Nextcloud. We built a small plugin using the Ocman gem. It allows you to sync your backup files from Discourse to one of the providers from Nextcloud.
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Main Track
Streamlining the Nextcloud Docker Experience
Paul Adams
Lightning talks
- Paul Adams
- Lightning talks
Containers are not VMs. Right?
Instinctively we all know this to be true but don't always act accordingly. How do we build containers in a container-y manner. At 630mb+ large, the official Nextcloud container already feels kinda VM-like. Just in terms of size. Can we get that lower? To, say, ~250mb?
In this short talk Paul describes his exploration of the official Docker image for Nextcloud, how he helped it to lose weight and the container mindset that helped to deliver this.
VNCsafe Zimlet - Nextcloud & Zimbra Integration![]()
Oscar Arias Farrera (International Sales VNC - Virtual Network Consult AG)
Lightning talks
- Oscar Arias Farrera (International Sales VNC - Virtual Network Consult AG)
- Lightning talks
The VNCsafe Zimlet allows users to seamlessly integrate their Zimbra Collaboration Suite with the Open Source Cloud Storage service Nextcloud.
Key Features- Save incoming emails and attachments to your own server
- Compose / attach cloud server files to outgoing emails
- VNCsafe Zimlet tab with OwnCloud file directory in Zimbra
- Share Files: internal and external, including expiration date and password
- Simply drag and drop single and multiple files between folders
- Select single or multiple files and use "Move" button
- Create, rename, move or delete folders
- Rename, copy, move or delete files
- Search for any file found in VNCsafe from the VNCsafe Zimlet tab
- Upload and download files to your computer.
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Enterprise Track
NextCloudPi, easy self-hosting for everyone![]()
Ignacio Núñez Hernanz (NextCloudPi developer Own Your Bits - NextCloudPi)
Lightning talks
- Ignacio Núñez Hernanz (NextCloudPi developer Own Your Bits - NextCloudPi)
- Lightning talks
In today's tech world dominated by a few private and privative cloud services, Nextcloud and the Raspberry Pi foundation offer the perfect combination to allow anyone to self-host their digital life without compromising features.
NextCloudPi is a fan based project that aims to lower the barrier for adoption for domestic Nextcloud instances on cheap ARM boards, in a way that is feasible even for non technical users to have full control over their own private data.
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Main Track
Welcome to TU Berlin - we're now Nextclouders![]()
Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin)
Lightning talks
- Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin)
- Lightning talks
TU Berlin started providing tubCloud a sync and share service for up to 30.000 members 2013 with ownCloud 5. We are now hosting DFN-Cloud services for 17 other institutes and universities. In May 2017 we started to migrate tubCloud to Nextcloud 11. The migration of the DFN-cloud instances is still in progress.
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Main Track
TU Berlin: migration from ownCloud to Nextcloud![]()
Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin)
Focus Friday
- Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin)
- Focus Friday
Tuesday, 22nd Aug, 10:00 - 11:00
- Enterprise Track
My summer with GNOME and Nextcloud
Julius Härtl ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Julius Härtl ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
During the summer I'm working on improving the integration of Nextcloud and its sync client in the GNOME desktop environment. This talk will show the improvements done to the Nextcloud client as well as the cloud providers integration into the GNOME file manager nautilus.
Wednesday, 23rd Aug
Thursday, 24th Aug
Friday, 25th Aug
How to jump start a local floss community![]()
Redon Skikuli ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Redon Skikuli ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
Friday, 25th Aug, 00:00 - 00:00
- Main Track
Introducing the Tirana Nextcloud Community![]()
Silva Arapi ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Silva Arapi ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
I would like to host a lightning talk were I'm going to introduce mine and our community work (as Open Labs Hackerspace) and show our journey during the last months as Nextcloud contributors. During the events that we have organized at the hackerspace many people have shown interest in Nextcloud and the community has been growing in a solid way. We have been hosting different workshops to show people how to install and use Nextcloud and the different apps, and also have been gathering and working together with the translations into Albanian. Two members of our community are now participating with the RailsGirls program with Nextcloud. I would like to show this as a good case study also for other countries/communities who are in their first steps in starting to work to grow their Nextcloud community.
I'm currently a student, getting a masters degree in Information Security. I have been a member of the Open Labs Hackerspace for the last two years where I have helped with organizing different events about open source software projects. I'm one of the co-organizers of Open Source Conference Albania, one of the biggest conferences in our region dedicated to open source software. I have been leading the Nextcloud project in the hackerspace for the last months and I have contributed mostly by advocating it. I am very passionate about the topics of privacy, espionage, massive surveillance etc. Also a bit new to public speaking but getting better with time :)
Friday, 25th Aug, 00:00 - 00:00
- Main Track
Secure Communication: Nextcloud videochat and calls![]()
Ivan Sein
Focus Friday
- Ivan Sein
- Focus Friday
Secure communication: Nextcloud videochat and calls
Global Scale - A new way to scale large installations![]()
Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH)
Focus Friday
- Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Focus Friday
The typical Nextcloud setup for large installations includes a storage and a database cluster attached to multiple application servers behind a load balancer. This allows organisations to scale Nextcloud for thousands of users. But at some point the shared components like the storage, database and load balancer become a expensive bottleneck. Therefore Nextcloud introduced "Global Scale", a new way to scale large installations based on the unique federated sharing feature beyond this limitations. Federated sharing combined with our new developed "Lookup Server" and the "Global Site Selector" allows you to set up many small Nextcloud server based on commodity hardware and connect them to one large system. This enables organisations to scale the system to hundreds of millions of users and reduce complexity and costs dramatically. This talks will discuss Global Scale and the individual components in detail.
Björn Schießle has been developing federated technology for ownCloud and now Nextcloud since 2012. He is a graduated computer scientist and conducted research in the area of cloud robotics before he joined ownCloud and later on Nextcloud. He is active in the Free Software community for more than 20 years. As a long-time Free Software activist he has a deep understanding about the political, legal and social aspects of software freedom.
Main Room
Friday, 25th Aug, 14:02 - 14:32
- Enterprise Track
Saturday, 26th Aug
Nextcloud in the public administration & the importance of the community in the process![]()
Redon Skikuli ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Redon Skikuli ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
Proprietary software companies know the importance of selling licenses to the public administration mainly because this is important for their revenue, but also because the public administration has by default a lot of users that will be locked to their platforms during their work. Although these companies have huge budgets for marketing and PR they don't have a very important element of the ecosystem when it comes to negotiate with: the community! During my presentation i will share some tips on how to approach and convince with arguments public administration decision makers to switch from proprietary cloud platforms to open source solutions such as Nextcloud and the important role of the communities in the process.
Saturday, 26th Aug, 00:00 - 00:00
- Main Track
RGSoC experience with Nextcloud Project![]()
Xheni Myrtaj, Jona Azizaj
Lightning talks
- Xheni Myrtaj, Jona Azizaj
- Lightning talks
Being part of Rails Girls Summer has given us the opportunity to learn new things and get to know the Nextcloud Community better. This talk will be about our contributions to the contacts app and what we expect to do in the future.
Xheni is a Business Informatics graduate and currently studying Msc in Information Security. She is a student of Rails Girls Summer of Code. Also member of Open Labs Albania, the local community which promotes free and open source technologies, open data, open technological standards, online privacy etc.
Saturday, 26th Aug, 00:00 - 00:00
- Main Track
Client-side Encryption with Cryptomator
Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor)
Lightning talks
- Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks
In this lightning talk, you'll learn how you can store sensitive files in your Nextcloud by using Cryptomator's client-side encryption. You will get a brief overview of Cryptomator's security architecture. We will go into more detail in the workshop afterwards.
Cryptomator is an open-source solution for client-side encryption of your cloud files. Cryptomator is made by Skymatic in Bonn, Germany.
What is new in the desktop client![]()
Roeland Douma
Lightning talks
- Roeland Douma
- Lightning talks
It has been over a year now since we started theming the desktop client. However in the last few months we have been starting to do more. This is a short overview of what has happend in the desktop client and where we want to go. For a more detailed talk come to the workshop!
(Push) Notifications in Nextcloud![]()
Joas Schilling
Lightning talks
- Joas Schilling
- Lightning talks
Short explanation on notifications and push notifications and how they work in various clients.
Keynote - Come build the future of private Clouds![]()
Tristan Nitot
- Tristan Nitot
- Keynote
Today, we’re happy to introduce the Nextcloud community to Tristan Nitot, keynote speaker of the Nextcloud Conference! Mozilla Europe co-founder and former President, current Cozy Cloud Chief Product Officer, Tristan Nitot has been a privacy activist for years now and wrote a book about data, privacy, and surveillance last year.
"I’m a huge fan of computing and the Internet but I have seen how things could become scary as the digital gets increasingly important in our lives. It seems that not all Silicon Valley tycoons fully understand that “with great power comes great responsibilities” (as Spiderman’s Uncle Ben used to say). Literally billions of people use free services such as Facebook and Google without understanding that they’re not customers of these services. Advertisers are. To make money, these companies sell targeted advertising. To target us, they want to know everything about each of us, so they capture as much personal data as they can in huge silos to analyze the data. It’s what we call “Surveillance capitalism”. The Snowden revelations have been interesting as they showed that first the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency) wants to spy on everyone, but it’s very costly. To do so, they leverage the data collection already done by Internet giants. In short, mass surveillance is made economically possible thanks to data centralization. I wanted to explain all that to ordinary people. Then I wanted to explain what each of us could do to limit our dependence to the Internet giants, by using decentralized tools and systems that are not made to collect data about us and influence us."
Saturday Lightning talks![]()


Andy Scherzinger ( Contributor), Roeland Douma, Klaus Herberth ( Contributor), Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor), Ivan Sein, Silva Arapi ( Contributor), Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design), Oscar Arias Farrera (International Sales VNC - Virtual Network Consult AG), Xheni Myrtaj, Joas Schilling, Tobias Kaminsky ( Nextcloud GmbH), Jona Azizaj, sva
Lightning talks - schedule
- Andy Scherzinger ( Contributor), Roeland Douma, Klaus Herberth ( Contributor), Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor), Ivan Sein, Silva Arapi ( Contributor), Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design), Oscar Arias Farrera (International Sales VNC - Virtual Network Consult AG), Xheni Myrtaj, Joas Schilling, Tobias Kaminsky ( Nextcloud GmbH), Jona Azizaj, sva
- Lightning talks - schedule
* Android App: The journey of the 1st year in the wild - Andy Scherzinger
* Introducing the Tirana Nextcloud community - Silva Arapi
* What is new in the desktop client - Roeland Douma
* Android App, current state and outlook - Tobias Kaminsky
* Client-side Encryption with Cryptomator - Tobias Hagemann
* Push Notifications in Nextcloud - Joas Schilling
* Introducing On My Disk Connector: easy way to connect your external drive to Nextcloud - Alexey Volkov
* p≡p ≡ pretty Easy privacy - Privacy by Default - sva
* Making communication easier: The Nextcloud Chat - Klaus Herberth
* RGSoC experience with Nextcloud Project - Jona Azizaj and Xheni Myrtaj
* VNCsafe Zimlet - Nextcloud & Zimbra Integration - Oscar Arias Ferrera
* 😃😶🙃🤓 Fostering a diverse & welcoming community - Jan-Christoph Borchardt
I'm currently a student, getting a masters degree in Information Security. I have been a member of the Open Labs Hackerspace for the last two years where I have helped with organizing different events about open source software projects. I'm one of the co-organizers of Open Source Conference Albania, one of the biggest conferences in our region dedicated to open source software. I have been leading the Nextcloud project in the hackerspace for the last months and I have contributed mostly by advocating it. I am very passionate about the topics of privacy, espionage, massive surveillance etc. Also a bit new to public speaking but getting better with time :)
Xheni is a Business Informatics graduate and currently studying Msc in Information Security. She is a student of Rails Girls Summer of Code. Also member of Open Labs Albania, the local community which promotes free and open source technologies, open data, open technological standards, online privacy etc.
Main Room
Saturday, 26th Aug, 11:30 - 11:45
- Main Track
Introducing On My Disk Connector: easy way to connect your external drive to Nextcloud![]()
Alexey Volkov (CEO On My Disk)
- Alexey Volkov (CEO On My Disk)
- Workshop
In this workshop we will demonstrate a pre-production version of On My Disk Connector, a special hardware designed to give a second life to your external USB or SATA drive as an extended storage of your Nextcloud server. Built upon popular SoC, powered by custom firmware, packed as an affordable consumer product, it delivers a true plug-and-play experience to Nextcloud end users. We will try it out and compare it to the Nextcloud box and some other interesting competitors.
Room 1
Saturday, 26th Aug, 13:15 - 14:15
- Workshop Track
Client-side Encryption with Cryptomator
Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor)
- Tobias Hagemann ( Contributor)
- Workshop
In this workshop, you'll learn how you can store sensitive files in your Nextcloud by using Cryptomator's client-side encryption. The workshop's focus is on Nextcloud's storage feature. We will explore Cryptomator's encryption scheme and security architecture in full detail. We will cover common cloud storage scenarios and how Cryptomator handles them including its limitations.
Goal of this workshop is to draft an architecture or concept on how Cryptomator could be integrated into Nextcloud in order to achieve client-side encryption in a web browser.
Cryptomator is an open-source solution for client-side encryption of your cloud files. Cryptomator is made by Skymatic in Bonn, Germany.
So you want to contribute? Building a user-centric UX by example
Mario Danic ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Mario Danic ( Nextcloud GmbH)
- Workshop
Do you already contribute to Nextcloud? Maybe you'd like to contribute? Especially to mobile, which you adore? Well, this is the workshop for you then!
Building out a feature requires careful thinking and planning before we can even get to the development phase. Often, this step is skipped due to time constraints and results in a poor UX.
But it shouldn't be like that. Together, we will improve on this and all of you can help, even if you're not developers. Regular users, advanced users, consultants ... everybody is welcome, and each one of you brings a unique view on how things should work.
In this workshop, we will jointly pick one or two (existing) screens in the Nextcloud Android application and rethink them to improve the experience an "average Joe" has.
Sunday, 27th Aug
Sunday Lightning Talks![]()



Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH), Ivan Sein, Julius Härtl ( Contributor), Redon Skikuli ( Contributor), Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin), Nextcloud Conference, Camila San Martin Ayres (Software Engineer Contributor), Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design), Marcel Scherello, Ricki Hirner (, Bernhard Stockmann (, Ignacio Núñez Hernanz (NextCloudPi developer Own Your Bits - NextCloudPi), Joas Schilling, Paul Adams, Silva Arapi ( Contributor)
Lightning talks - schedule
- Björn Schießle ( Nextcloud GmbH), Ivan Sein, Julius Härtl ( Contributor), Redon Skikuli ( Contributor), Thomas Hildmann (Head of Department Infrastructure tubIT - IT Service Center, Technische Universität Berlin), Nextcloud Conference, Camila San Martin Ayres (Software Engineer Contributor), Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design), Marcel Scherello, Ricki Hirner (, Bernhard Stockmann (, Ignacio Núñez Hernanz (NextCloudPi developer Own Your Bits - NextCloudPi), Joas Schilling, Paul Adams, Silva Arapi ( Contributor)
- Lightning talks - schedule
* Welcome to TU Berlin - we're now Nextclouders - Thomas Hildmann
* Video Calls in Nextcloud - Ivan Sein & Joas Schilling
* Streamlining the Nextcloud Docker Experience - Paul Adams
* DAVdroid / Nextcloud Integration - Bernhard Stockmann & Ricki Hirner
* Audio Player: our lessons learned and outlook - Marcel Scherello
* iOS announcements - Nina Cercy
* 🎨 Join the Nextcloud design team! - Jan-Christoph Borchardt
* Free Software Licensing in a Nutshell - What every developer should know - Björn Schießle
* State of the Deck app - Julian Härtl
* How to jump start a local floss community - Redon Skikuli
* How many lines of code do you need to build your first Nextcloud App? - Camila San Martin Ayres
* Get your family and friends to use Nextcloud - Nina Cercy
* My summer with GNOME and Nextcloud - Julius Härtl
* Nextcloud in the public administration & the importance of the community in the process - Redon Skikuli
* Real-time Secure Collaboration with Collabora, what's next? - Michael Meeks
* NextCloudPi, easy self-hosting for everyone - Ignacio Núñez Hernanz
Björn Schießle has been developing federated technology for ownCloud and now Nextcloud since 2012. He is a graduated computer scientist and conducted research in the area of cloud robotics before he joined ownCloud and later on Nextcloud. He is active in the Free Software community for more than 20 years. As a long-time Free Software activist he has a deep understanding about the political, legal and social aspects of software freedom.
I'm currently a student, getting a masters degree in Information Security. I have been a member of the Open Labs Hackerspace for the last two years where I have helped with organizing different events about open source software projects. I'm one of the co-organizers of Open Source Conference Albania, one of the biggest conferences in our region dedicated to open source software. I have been leading the Nextcloud project in the hackerspace for the last months and I have contributed mostly by advocating it. I am very passionate about the topics of privacy, espionage, massive surveillance etc. Also a bit new to public speaking but getting better with time :)
Main Room
Sunday, 27th Aug, 11:30 - 12:30
- Main Track
How many lines of code do you need to build your first Nextcloud app?![]()
Camila San Martin Ayres (Software Engineer Contributor)
- Camila San Martin Ayres (Software Engineer Contributor)
- Workshop
1. Summary
Extend your Nextcloud instance with functionalities that you need by developing an app.
2. The goal
Create from scratch your first app to bring new functionalities to your Nextcloud instance. We will start with an skeleton for your app and then you can implement your idea.
3. Target audience
Beginners with some web programming knowledge.
Ideally everybody would already have a local instance of Nextcloud running in their laptop but we can help with that:
4. Topics we will cover
- Get Nextcloud up and running your laptop. (Do you already have it running?)
- What is an app in Nextcloud.
- Do you already know what you want to develop?
- Create the skeleton.
- How to add your app to your Nextcloud instance.
- Where to add your code in the skeleton.
- What the Nexcloud API can do for you.
Main Room
Sunday, 27th Aug, 14:00 - 14:15
- Workshop Track
Nextcloud Docker Image Enrichment
Paul Adams
- Paul Adams
- Workshop
This workshop is a follow-up to my proposed talk on the subject of the official Nextcloud Docker image. In this workshop we will cover:
- Overview of the current official image vs my proposed new image
- How to build/run the new image
- What improvements can we make to better support the Nextcloud 12 feature set
The intended output of this session is an improved Dockerfile for Nextcloud which can be considered for production use.
No prior knowledge of Docker is assumed, but workshop participants should have Docker installed on their machines to gain the most out of this session.
🎨 Nextcloud design team discussion![]()
Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
- Jan-Christoph Borchardt (Design Lead Nextcloud & Open Source Design)
- Workshop
Let’s talk about aspects we want to work on, what we should improve, and how Nextcloud should work & look in the future!
Some tentative topics:
- Parity across web interface, mobile apps and desktop client
- Consistent design across the different Nextcloud web apps
- Better documentation and standardization
- Specific design improvements: Simpler sharing workflow, placement of upload button & progress bar, a proper grid view, a better shared file view
- Improving the page
- Improving accessibility
- How to get more designers involved
- … what can you think of? :)
Main Room
Sunday, 27th Aug, 15:44 - 16:44
- Workshop Track